Are they a necessity or a luxury?
Published on February 1, 2005 By ShiruKu In Pure Technology
Hmm.. this is quite a tough question. Obviously, handphones nowadays are a must. Especially among the younger generation. Just a few years back, handphones were a rarity and people who owned them were usually the fabolously wealthy, furthermore, the handphones in those days were huge! They look somewhat like walkie- talkies and are so laughable.. to think that once upon a time there were people who even used it! but laughable as they are, these first handphones paved way to newer and sleeker models. And these new models are steadily becoming smaller and smaller by the minute..The growing technology today helps to invent these woderful gadgets. And through the process of evolution, handphones are fast becoming a necessity compared to being a luxury during the 90's. It's just as well because these phones are mobile and more convenient than the normal phones. Nowadays, we can see the mobile phones industry growing to vast proportions. It's to meet the ever-growing demands of the public. For the teenagers, these mobile phones could also be a fashion aceessory as you could decorate these gadgets using keychains and choose cute graphic displayes on the tiny screen. So it's fashionable, convenient, cheap and cool. What more do you want? Plus, nowadays, these mobile phones come equipped with various state-of-the-art technology such as cameras and the internet . And it can act as our daily planner as well. Thus proving that mobile phones are the greatest creation ever to be invented for communication since TV was discovered. It's no wonder they are much needed...
on Feb 01, 2005
the increasing convergency and number of additional features on cellphones are actually a way for cellphone makers to give reason to cellphone owners and users to buy new cellphones. Imagine if a new model comes out and it's just the same old type-to-call device..people will scarcely change their cellphones.
But it's a good marketing strategy nonetheless. And I prefer now to call cellphones as CONCORD (convergent communicator device)